Data handling
PresenceX doesn't send ANY information to ANY where (except discord). that also means i have no control over the users. and i have no idea who uses PresenceX.
More on the exception for the first statement:
Discord, the things they recieve are the activity to set on your profile and which discord application your conneting to. nothing more.
Data Storage
PresenceX DOES NOT store any user info. also everything is stored locally on the user's computer.
here is what is stored:
- saved apps (discord applications that you added your-self)
- saved activities (these are also added by you)
- category names (also added by you)
thats basically everything.
Data recieved from Discord
Discord doesn't send much and they don't send any private data.
so PresenceX doesn't recieve or get any private info from discord. including credentials, i mentioned PresenceX not sending them to discord because the program doesn't even have them.
there WAS an exception but discord fixed it:
Friend Activity
while this was an official feature on PresenceX, discord locked an essential api for it to work.
for those who wonder about the feature
the feature was a tab which lists all your friends and allow you to copy their activity and use as your own. it was fun up until they locked discord remove the permission to get friends list from everyone, the code is still in the program but its disabled as of now.